
In the examples directory you can find some examples of microservices

  1. example_client - an example usage of the gemstone.RemoteService class for communication with microservices.

    There you will find two files: service.py and client.py

    In service.py you have a basic microservice that exposes two methods: say_hello(name) and slow_method(seconds). You can start it with the command

    python service.py

    In client.py you can find some basic interaction with the service started above.

  2. example_events - an example for the publisher-subscribe pattern in the microservice communication. There are two files: service.py and service2.py. You can start them with the commands


    You are going to need a RabbitMQ server running somewhere because the example uses it as message exchange transport

    python service.py
    python service2.py


    Those two commands must be executed in separate terminals/cmds because they are blocking.

    What happens here is:

    • the service.py subscribes to "said_hello" events.
    • the service2.py exposes a public method say_hello(name). When called, emits an "said_hello" event and then processes the request.

    After that, you can send a JSONRPC request to with the body

       "jsonrpc": "2.0",
       "method": "say_hello",
       "params": {"name": "world"},
       "id": 1

    and watch what happens.