Source code for gemstone.core.handlers

from functools import partial
import copy
import time

import simplejson as json
from tornado.web import RequestHandler
from tornado.gen import coroutine

from gemstone.core.structs import JsonRpcResponse, JsonRpcRequest, JsonRpcRequestBatch, \
    JsonRpcResponseBatch, \
    GenericResponse, parse_json_structure, JsonRpcParseError, JsonRpcInvalidRequestError

__all__ = [

# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class GemstoneCustomHandler(RequestHandler): """ Base class for custom Tornado handlers that can be added to the microservice. Offers a reference to the microservice through the ``self.microservice`` attribute. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): #: reference to the microservice that uses the request handler self.microservice = None super(GemstoneCustomHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # noinspection PyMethodOverriding def initialize(self, microservice): self.microservice = microservice
# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class TornadoJsonRpcHandler(RequestHandler): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.response_is_sent = False self.methods = None self.executor = None self.validation_strategies = None self.api_token_handlers = None self.logger = None self.microservice = None super(TornadoJsonRpcHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # noinspection PyMethodOverriding def initialize(self, microservice): self.logger = microservice.logger self.methods = microservice.methods self.executor = microservice._executor self.response_is_sent = False self.microservice = microservice def get_current_user(self): return self.microservice.authenticate_request(self) @coroutine def post(self): if self.request.headers.get("Content-type") != "application/json": self.write_single_response(GenericResponse.INVALID_REQUEST) return req_body_raw = self.request.body.decode() try: req_object = json.loads(req_body_raw) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.write_single_response(GenericResponse.PARSE_ERROR) return # handle the actual call if isinstance(req_object, dict): # single call try: req_object = JsonRpcRequest.from_dict(req_object) except JsonRpcInvalidRequestError: self.write_single_response(GenericResponse.INVALID_REQUEST) return if req_object.is_notification(): self.write_single_response(GenericResponse.NOTIFICATION_RESPONSE) result = yield self.handle_single_request(req_object) self.write_single_response(result) elif isinstance(req_object, list): if len(req_object) == 0: self.write_single_response(GenericResponse.INVALID_REQUEST) return # batch call invalid_requests = [] requests_futures = [] notification_futures = [] for item in req_object: try: if not isinstance(item, dict): raise JsonRpcInvalidRequestError() current_rpc_call = JsonRpcRequest.from_dict(item) # handle notifications if current_rpc_call.is_notification(): # we trigger their execution, but we don't yield for their results notification_futures.append(self.handle_single_request(current_rpc_call)) else: requests_futures.append(self.handle_single_request(current_rpc_call)) except JsonRpcInvalidRequestError: invalid_requests.append(GenericResponse.INVALID_REQUEST) finished_rpc_calls = yield requests_futures self.write_batch_response(JsonRpcResponseBatch(invalid_requests + finished_rpc_calls)) else: self.write_single_response(GenericResponse.INVALID_REQUEST) @coroutine
[docs] def handle_single_request(self, request_object): """ Handles a single request object and returns the correct result as follows: - A valid response object if it is a regular request (with ID) - ``None`` if it was a notification (if None is returned, a response object with "received" body was already sent to the client. :param request_object: A :py:class:`gemstone.core.structs.JsonRpcRequest` object representing a Request object :return: A :py:class:`gemstone.core.structs.JsonRpcResponse` object representing a Response object or None if no response is expected (it was a notification) """ # don't handle responses? if isinstance(request_object, JsonRpcResponse): return request_object error = None result = None id_ = # validate method name if request_object.method not in self.methods: resp = GenericResponse.METHOD_NOT_FOUND = id_ return resp # check for private access method = self.methods[request_object.method] if self._method_is_private(method): if not self.get_current_user(): resp = GenericResponse.ACCESS_DENIED = id_ return resp method = self.prepare_method_call(method, request_object.params) # before request hook request_object_copy = copy.copy(request_object) self.microservice.before_method_call(request_object_copy) _method_duration = time.time() try: result = yield self.call_method(method) except Exception as e: # catch all exceptions generated by method # and handle in a special manner only the TypeError if isinstance(e, TypeError): # TODO: find a proper way to check that the function got the wrong # parameters (with **kwargs) if "got an unexpected keyword argument" in e.args[0]: resp = GenericResponse.INVALID_PARAMS = id_ return resp # TODO: find a proper way to check that the function got the wrong # parameters (with *args) elif "takes" in e.args[0] and "positional argument" in e.args[0] and "were given" in \ e.args[0]: resp = GenericResponse.INVALID_PARAMS = id_ return resp elif "missing" in e.args[0] and "required positional argument" in e.args[0]: resp = GenericResponse.INVALID_PARAMS = id_ return resp # generic handling for any exception (even TypeError) that # is not generated because of bad parameters self.microservice.stats.after_method_call(request_object.method, time.time() - _method_duration, is_error=True) err = GenericResponse.INTERNAL_ERROR = id_ err.error["data"] = { "class": type(e).__name__, "info": str(e) } return err to_return_resp = JsonRpcResponse(result=result, error=error, id=id_) self.microservice.stats.after_method_call(request_object.method, time.time() - _method_duration, is_error=False) self.microservice.after_method_call(request_object_copy, to_return_resp) return to_return_resp
[docs] def write_single_response(self, response_obj): """ Writes a json rpc response ``{"result": result, "error": error, "id": id}``. If the ``id`` is ``None``, the response will not contain an ``id`` field. The response is sent to the client as an ``application/json`` response. Only one call per response is allowed :param response_obj: A Json rpc response object :return: """ if not isinstance(response_obj, JsonRpcResponse): raise ValueError( "Expected JsonRpcResponse, but got {} instead".format(type(response_obj).__name__)) if not self.response_is_sent: self.set_status(200) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.finish(response_obj.to_string()) self.response_is_sent = True
def write_batch_response(self, batch_response): self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.write(batch_response.to_string()) def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs): if status_code == 405: self.set_status(405) self.write_single_response( JsonRpcResponse(error={"code": 405, "message": "Method not allowed"})) return exc_info = kwargs["exc_info"] err = GenericResponse.INTERNAL_ERROR err.error["data"] = { "class": str(exc_info[0].__name__), "info": str(exc_info[1]) } self.set_status(200) self.write_single_response(err)
[docs] def prepare_method_call(self, method, args): """ Wraps a method so that method() will call ``method(*args)`` or ``method(**args)``, depending of args type :param method: a callable object (method) :param args: dict or list with the parameters for the function :return: a 'patched' callable """ if self._method_requires_handler_ref(method): if isinstance(args, list): args = [self] + args elif isinstance(args, dict): args["handler"] = self if isinstance(args, list): to_call = partial(method, *args) elif isinstance(args, dict): to_call = partial(method, **args) else: raise TypeError( "args must be list or dict but got {} instead".format(type(args).__name__)) return to_call
[docs] def call_method(self, method): """ Calls a blocking method in an executor, in order to preserve the non-blocking behaviour If ``method`` is a coroutine, yields from it and returns, no need to execute in in an executor. :param method: The method or coroutine to be called (with no arguments). :return: the result of the method call """ if self._method_is_async_generator(method): result = yield method() else: result = yield self.executor.submit(method) return result
@coroutine def handle_batch_request(self, batch_req_obj): responses = yield [self.handle_single_request(single_req) for single_req in batch_req_obj.iter_items()] return responses def _method_requires_handler_ref(self, method): return getattr(method, "_req_h_ref", False) def _method_is_async_generator(self, method): """ Given a simple callable or a callable wrapped in funtools.partial, determines if it was wrapped with the :py:func:`gemstone.async_method` decorator. :param method: :return: """ if hasattr(method, "func"): func = method.func else: func = method return getattr(func, "_is_coroutine", False) @staticmethod def _method_is_private(method): return getattr(method, "_exposed_private", False)