Source code for gemstone.config.configurable


Configurable component of the configurable sub-framework.

Example usage of configurables


    class MyMicroService(MicroService):

        name = "jadasd"
        port = 8000
        host = ""
        accessible_at = "http://..."
        registry_urls = [...]

        configurables = [
            Configurable("port", type=int, mappings={
                "random": random.randint(8000, 65000)
            Configurable("host", type=str)
        configurators = [

When :py:meth:`Microservice.start` is called, the configurators
search for values that can override the specified configurables defaults.

The configurators resolve in the order they are declared, meaning that a value
that was set by a configurator can be overriden by a configurator that is


[docs]class Configurable(object): def __init__(self, name, *, template=None): """ Defines a configurable value for the application. Example (You should not use configurables in this way unless you are writing a custom ``Configurator``) :: c = Configurable("test", template=lambda x: x * 2) c.set_value("10") c.get_final_value() # int("10") * 2 -> 20 c2 = Configurable("list_of_ints", template=lambda x: [int(y) for y in x.split(",")]) c.set_value("1,2,3,4,5") c.get_final_value() # [1,2,3,4,5] :param name: The name of the configurable parameter :param template: A callable template to apply over the extracted value """ = name self.template = template or (lambda x: x) self.value = None def set_value(self, value): self.value = value def get_final_value(self): to_return = self.value return self.template(to_return) def __repr__(self): return "<Configurable name={}>".format( def __str__(self): return repr(self)